path: root/archive/src/systems
diff options
authoromniscient <>2024-10-26 21:55:23 +1100
committeromniscient <>2024-10-26 21:55:23 +1100
commit43bee361397315c7105b7214316325b185135331 (patch)
treeb339f728b4cd6f37b37912b62c8d0af75dc9551d /archive/src/systems
parent24573518c3320673eb87d6d659522d77e05cb75c (diff)
move archive into /src
Diffstat (limited to 'archive/src/systems')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 705 deletions
diff --git a/archive/src/systems/grid.c b/archive/src/systems/grid.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e907865..0000000
--- a/archive/src/systems/grid.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-#include "grid.h"
-#include "file.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "maths.h"
-#include "maths_types.h"
-#include "primitives.h"
-#include "ral_common.h"
-#include "ral_impl.h"
-#include "ral_types.h"
-#include "render.h"
-#include "render_types.h"
-#include "shader_layouts.h"
-void Grid_Init(Grid_Storage* storage) {
- INFO("Infinite Grid initialisation");
- Geometry plane_geo = Geo_CreatePlane(f32x2(1.0, 1.0), 1, 1);
- Mesh plane_mesh = Mesh_Create(&plane_geo, true);
- storage->plane_vertices = plane_mesh.vertex_buffer;
- u32 indices[6] = { 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 };
- storage->plane_indices =
- GPU_BufferCreate(6 * sizeof(u32), BUFFER_INDEX, BUFFER_FLAG_GPU, &indices);
- GPU_RenderpassDesc rpass_desc = {
- .default_framebuffer = true,
- };
- storage->renderpass = GPU_Renderpass_Create(rpass_desc);
- arena scratch = arena_create(malloc(1024 * 1024), 1024 * 1024);
- Str8 vert_path = str8("assets/shaders/grid.vert");
- Str8 frag_path = str8("assets/shaders/grid.frag");
- str8_opt vertex_shader = str8_from_file(&scratch, vert_path);
- str8_opt fragment_shader = str8_from_file(&scratch, frag_path);
- if (!vertex_shader.has_value || !fragment_shader.has_value) {
- ERROR_EXIT("Failed to load shaders from disk")
- }
- ShaderDataLayout camera_data = Binding_Camera_GetLayout(NULL);
- GraphicsPipelineDesc pipeline_desc = {
- .debug_name = "Infinite grid pipeline",
- .vertex_desc = static_3d_vertex_description(),
- .data_layouts = { camera_data },
- .data_layouts_count = 1,
- .vs = {
- .debug_name = "Grid vertex shader",
- .filepath = vert_path,
- .code = vertex_shader.contents,
- },
- .fs = {
- .debug_name = "Grid fragment shader",
- .filepath = frag_path,
- .code = fragment_shader.contents,
- },
- .wireframe = false,
- };
- storage->pipeline = GPU_GraphicsPipeline_Create(pipeline_desc, storage->renderpass);
-void Grid_Draw() {
- Grid_Storage* grid = Render_GetGridStorage();
- Grid_Execute(grid);
-void Grid_Execute(Grid_Storage* storage) {
- RenderScene* scene = Render_GetScene();
- GPU_CmdEncoder* enc = GPU_GetDefaultEncoder();
- GPU_CmdEncoder_BeginRender(enc, storage->renderpass);
- GPU_EncodeBindPipeline(enc, storage->pipeline);
- Mat4 view, proj;
- u32x2 dimensions = GPU_Swapchain_GetDimensions();
- Camera camera = scene->camera;
- Camera_ViewProj(&camera, (f32)dimensions.x, (f32)dimensions.y, &view, &proj);
- Binding_Camera camera_data = { .view = view,
- .projection = proj,
- .viewPos = vec4(camera.position.x, camera.position.y,
- camera.position.z, 1.0) };
- GPU_EncodeBindShaderData(enc, 0, Binding_Camera_GetLayout(&camera_data));
- GPU_EncodeSetVertexBuffer(enc, storage->plane_vertices);
- GPU_EncodeSetIndexBuffer(enc, storage->plane_indices);
- GPU_EncodeDrawIndexedTris(enc, 6);
- GPU_CmdEncoder_EndRender(enc);
diff --git a/archive/src/systems/grid.h b/archive/src/systems/grid.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d8bc567..0000000
--- a/archive/src/systems/grid.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "ral_impl.h"
-#include "ral_types.h"
-typedef struct Grid_Storage {
- GPU_Renderpass* renderpass;
- GPU_Pipeline* pipeline;
- BufferHandle plane_vertices;
- BufferHandle plane_indices;
-} Grid_Storage;
-// --- Public API
-PUB void Grid_Init(Grid_Storage* storage);
-// void Grid_Shutdown(Grid_Storage* storage);
-PUB void Grid_Draw();
-// --- Internal
-void Grid_Execute(Grid_Storage* storage);
-// typedef struct GridUniforms {} GridUniforms;
-// ShaderDataLayout GridUniforms_GetLayout(void* data); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/archive/src/systems/input.c b/archive/src/systems/input.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c3af96a..0000000
--- a/archive/src/systems/input.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-#include "input.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <glfw3.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "keys.h"
-#include "log.h"
-static Input_State* g_input; // Use a global to simplify caller code
-bool Input_Init(Input_State* input, GLFWwindow* window) {
- INFO("Input init");
- memset(input, 0, sizeof(Input_State));
- input->window = window;
- // Set everything to false. Could just set memory to zero but where's the fun in that
- for (int i = KEYCODE_SPACE; i < KEYCODE_MAX; i++) {
- input->depressed_keys[i] = false;
- input->just_pressed_keys[i] = false;
- input->just_released_keys[i] = false;
- }
- g_input = input;
- assert(input->mouse.x_delta == 0);
- assert(input->mouse.y_delta == 0);
- INFO("Finish input init");
- return true;
-void Input_Shutdown(Input_State* input) {}
-void Input_Update(Input_State* input) {
- glfwPollEvents();
- // --- update keyboard input
- // if we go from un-pressed -> pressed, set as "just pressed"
- // if we go from pressed -> un-pressed, set as "just released"
- for (int i = KEYCODE_SPACE; i < KEYCODE_MAX; i++) {
- bool new_state = false;
- if (glfwGetKey(input->window, i) == GLFW_PRESS) {
- new_state = true;
- } else {
- new_state = false;
- }
- if (!input->depressed_keys[i] == false && new_state) {
- input->just_pressed_keys[i] = true;
- } else {
- input->just_pressed_keys[i] = false;
- }
- if (input->depressed_keys[i] && !new_state) {
- input->just_released_keys[i] = true;
- } else {
- input->just_released_keys[i] = false;
- }
- input->depressed_keys[i] = new_state;
- }
- // --- update mouse input
- // cursor position
- f64 current_x, current_y;
- glfwGetCursorPos(input->window, &current_x, &current_y);
- i32 quantised_cur_x = (i32)current_x;
- i32 quantised_cur_y = (i32)current_y;
- mouse_state new_mouse_state = { 0 };
- new_mouse_state.x = quantised_cur_x;
- new_mouse_state.y = quantised_cur_y;
- new_mouse_state.x_delta = quantised_cur_x - input->mouse.x;
- new_mouse_state.y_delta = quantised_cur_y - input->mouse.y;
- // buttons
- int left_state = glfwGetMouseButton(input->window, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT);
- int right_state = glfwGetMouseButton(input->window, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT);
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- new_mouse_state.prev_pressed_states[i] = input->mouse.cur_pressed_states[i];
- }
- new_mouse_state.cur_pressed_states[MOUSEBTN_LEFT] = left_state == GLFW_PRESS;
- new_mouse_state.cur_pressed_states[MOUSEBTN_RIGHT] = right_state == GLFW_PRESS;
- // this was dumb! need to also check button state changes lol
- // if (new_mouse_state.x != input->mouse.x || new_mouse_state.y != input->mouse.y)
- // TRACE("Mouse (x,y) = (%d,%d)", input->mouse.x, input->mouse.y);
- input->mouse = new_mouse_state;
-bool key_is_pressed(keycode key) { return g_input->depressed_keys[key]; }
-bool key_just_pressed(keycode key) { return g_input->just_pressed_keys[key]; }
-bool key_just_released(keycode key) { return g_input->just_released_keys[key]; }
-bool MouseBtn_Held(MouseBtn btn) {
- assert(btn < 3);
- return g_input->mouse.prev_pressed_states[btn] && g_input->mouse.cur_pressed_states[btn];
-mouse_state Input_GetMouseState() { return g_input->mouse; } \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/archive/src/systems/input.h b/archive/src/systems/input.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c3b2500..0000000
--- a/archive/src/systems/input.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * @brief
- */
-#pragma once
-#include "defines.h"
-#include "keys.h"
-struct GLFWWindow;
-typedef enum MouseBtn {
-} MouseBtn;
-typedef struct mouse_state {
- i32 x;
- i32 y;
- i32 x_delta;
- i32 y_delta;
- bool prev_pressed_states[3];
- bool cur_pressed_states[3];
-} mouse_state;
-typedef struct Input_State {
- struct GLFWwindow* window;
- mouse_state mouse;
- bool depressed_keys[KEYCODE_MAX];
- bool just_pressed_keys[KEYCODE_MAX];
- bool just_released_keys[KEYCODE_MAX];
-} Input_State;
-/** @brief `key` is currently being held down */
-PUB bool key_is_pressed(keycode key);
-/** @brief `key` was just pressed */
-PUB bool key_just_pressed(keycode key);
-/** @brief `key` was just released */
-PUB bool key_just_released(keycode key);
-// TODO: right btn as well
-PUB bool MouseBtn_Held(MouseBtn btn);
-// --- Lifecycle
-PUB bool Input_Init(Input_State* input, struct GLFWwindow* window);
-PUB void Input_Shutdown(Input_State* input);
-PUB void Input_Update(Input_State* state); // must be run once per main loop
-PUB mouse_state Input_GetMouseState(); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/archive/src/systems/keys.h b/archive/src/systems/keys.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6082a59..0000000
--- a/archive/src/systems/keys.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-typedef enum keycode {
- // TODO: add all keycodes
- KEYCODE_0 = 48,
- KEYCODE_1 = 49,
- KEYCODE_2 = 50,
- KEYCODE_3 = 51,
- KEYCODE_4 = 52,
- KEYCODE_5 = 53,
- KEYCODE_6 = 54,
- KEYCODE_7 = 55,
- KEYCODE_8 = 56,
- KEYCODE_9 = 57,
- KEYCODE_A = 65,
- KEYCODE_B = 66,
- KEYCODE_C = 67,
- KEYCODE_D = 68,
- KEYCODE_E = 69,
- KEYCODE_F = 70,
- KEYCODE_G = 71,
- KEYCODE_H = 72,
- KEYCODE_I = 73,
- KEYCODE_J = 74,
- KEYCODE_K = 75,
- KEYCODE_L = 76,
- KEYCODE_M = 77,
- KEYCODE_N = 78,
- KEYCODE_O = 79,
- KEYCODE_P = 80,
- KEYCODE_Q = 81,
- KEYCODE_R = 82,
- KEYCODE_S = 83,
- KEYCODE_T = 84,
- KEYCODE_U = 85,
- KEYCODE_V = 86,
- KEYCODE_W = 87,
- KEYCODE_X = 88,
- KEYCODE_Y = 89,
- KEYCODE_Z = 90,
- KEYCODE_TAB = 258,
-} keycode;
diff --git a/archive/src/systems/screenspace.h b/archive/src/systems/screenspace.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f0c579..0000000
--- a/archive/src/systems/screenspace.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * @brief Drawing shapes for UI or other reasons in screenspace
- */
-#pragma once
-#include "colours.h"
-#include "darray.h"
-#include "defines.h"
-#include "render_types.h"
-/** A draw_cmd packet for rendering a rectangle */
-struct draw_rect {
- i32 x, y; // signed ints so we can draw things offscreen (e.g. a window half inside the viewport)
- u32 width, height;
- rgba colour;
- // TODO: border colour, gradients
-/** A draw_cmd packet for rendering a circle */
-struct draw_circle {
- i32 x, y;
- f32 radius;
- rgba colour;
-/** @brief Tagged union that represents a UI shape to be drawn. */
-typedef struct draw_cmd {
- enum { DRAW_RECT, CIRCLE } draw_cmd_type;
- union {
- struct draw_rect rect;
- struct draw_circle circle;
- };
-} draw_cmd;
-typedef struct screenspace_state {
- u32 rect_vbo;
- u32 rect_vao;
- // shader rect_shader;
- draw_cmd_darray* draw_cmd_buf;
-} screenspace_state;
-// --- Lifecycle
-bool screenspace_2d_init(screenspace_state* state);
-void screenspace_2d_shutdown(screenspace_state* state);
-/** Drains the draw_cmd buffer and emits draw calls to render each one */
-void screenspace_2d_render(screenspace_state* state);
-struct core;
-/** @brief Draw a rectangle to the screen. (0,0) is the bottom-left */
-void draw_rectangle(struct core* core, rgba colour, i32 x, i32 y, u32 width, u32 height); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/archive/src/systems/terrain.c b/archive/src/systems/terrain.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 069000e..0000000
--- a/archive/src/systems/terrain.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
- * @brief
- */
-#include "terrain.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "file.h"
-#include "glad/glad.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "maths.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "ral_common.h"
-#include "ral_impl.h"
-#include "ral_types.h"
-#include "render.h"
-#include "shader_layouts.h"
-#include "str.h"
-#define TERRAIN_GRID_U 505
-#define TERRAIN_GRID_V 505
-bool Terrain_Init(Terrain_Storage* storage) {
- storage->grid_dimensions = u32x2(TERRAIN_GRID_U, TERRAIN_GRID_V);
- storage->hmap_loaded = false;
- GPU_RenderpassDesc rpass_desc = {
- .default_framebuffer = true,
- };
- storage->hmap_renderpass = GPU_Renderpass_Create(rpass_desc);
- arena scratch = arena_create(malloc(1024 * 1024), 1024 * 1024);
- Str8 vert_path = str8("assets/shaders/terrain.vert");
- Str8 frag_path = str8("assets/shaders/terrain.frag");
- str8_opt vertex_shader = str8_from_file(&scratch, vert_path);
- str8_opt fragment_shader = str8_from_file(&scratch, frag_path);
- if (!vertex_shader.has_value || !fragment_shader.has_value) {
- ERROR_EXIT("Failed to load shaders from disk")
- }
- ShaderDataLayout camera_data = Binding_Camera_GetLayout(NULL);
- ShaderDataLayout terrain_data = TerrainUniforms_GetLayout(NULL);
- GraphicsPipelineDesc pipeline_desc = {
- .debug_name = "terrain rendering pipeline",
- .vertex_desc = static_3d_vertex_description(),
- .data_layouts = { camera_data, terrain_data },
- .data_layouts_count = 2,
- .vs = {
- .debug_name = "terrain vertex shader",
- .filepath = vert_path,
- .code = vertex_shader.contents,
- },
- .fs = {
- .debug_name = "terrain fragment shader",
- .filepath = frag_path,
- .code = fragment_shader.contents,
- },
- .wireframe = false,
- };
- storage->hmap_pipeline = GPU_GraphicsPipeline_Create(pipeline_desc, storage->hmap_renderpass);
- storage->texture = TextureLoadFromFile("assets/demo/textures/grass2.png");
- return true;
-void Terrain_Shutdown(Terrain_Storage* storage) {}
-void Terrain_LoadHeightmap(Terrain_Storage* storage, Heightmap hmap, f32 grid_scale,
- bool free_on_upload) {
- // If there's a current one we will delete it and reallocate buffers
- if (storage->hmap_loaded) {
- GPU_BufferDestroy(storage->vertex_buffer);
- GPU_BufferDestroy(storage->index_buffer);
- }
- u32 width = hmap.pixel_dimensions.x;
- u32 height = hmap.pixel_dimensions.y;
- storage->grid_scale = grid_scale;
- size_t num_vertices = storage->grid_dimensions.x * storage->grid_dimensions.y;
- storage->num_vertices = num_vertices;
- Vertex_darray* vertices = Vertex_darray_new(num_vertices);
- u32 index = 0;
- for (u32 i = 0; i < storage->grid_dimensions.x; i++) {
- for (u32 j = 0; j < storage->grid_dimensions.y; j++) {
- size_t position = j * storage->grid_dimensions.x + i;
- u8* bytes = hmap.image_data;
- u8 channel = bytes[position];
- float value = (float)channel / 255.0;
- // printf("(%d, %d) %d : %f \n", i, j, channel, value);
- assert(index < num_vertices);
- f32 height = Heightmap_HeightXZ(&hmap, i, j);
- Vec3 v_pos = vec3_create(i * grid_scale, height, j * grid_scale);
- Vec3 v_normal = VEC3_Y;
- float tiling_factor = 505.0f;
- Vec2 v_uv = vec2((f32)i / width * tiling_factor, (f32)j / height * tiling_factor);
- Vertex v = { .static_3d = { .position = v_pos, .normal = v_normal, .tex_coords = v_uv } };
- Vertex_darray_push(vertices, v);
- index++;
- }
- }
- BufferHandle vertices_handle = GPU_BufferCreate(num_vertices * sizeof(Vertex), BUFFER_VERTEX,
- BUFFER_FLAG_GPU, vertices->data);
- storage->vertex_buffer = vertices_handle;
- u32 quad_count = (width - 1) * (height - 1);
- u32 indices_count = quad_count * 6;
- storage->indices_count = indices_count;
- u32_darray* indices = u32_darray_new(indices_count);
- for (u32 i = 0; i < (width - 1); i++) { // row
- for (u32 j = 0; j < (height - 1); j++) { // col
- u32 bot_left = i * width + j;
- u32 top_left = (i + 1) * width + j;
- u32 top_right = (i + 1) * width + (j + 1);
- u32 bot_right = i * width + j + 1;
- // top left tri
- u32_darray_push(indices, top_right);
- u32_darray_push(indices, top_left);
- u32_darray_push(indices, bot_left);
- // bottom right tri
- u32_darray_push(indices, bot_right);
- u32_darray_push(indices, top_right);
- u32_darray_push(indices, bot_left);
- }
- }
- BufferHandle indices_handle =
- GPU_BufferCreate(indices_count * sizeof(u32), BUFFER_INDEX, BUFFER_FLAG_GPU, indices->data);
- storage->index_buffer = indices_handle;
-Heightmap Heightmap_FromImage(Str8 filepath) {
- size_t max_size = MB(16);
- arena arena = arena_create(malloc(max_size), max_size);
- // str8_opt maybe_file = str8_from_file(&arena, filepath);
- // assert(maybe_file.has_value);
- TextureData hmap_tex = TextureDataLoad(Str8_to_cstr(&arena, filepath), false);
- // arena_free_storage(&arena);
- return (Heightmap){
- .pixel_dimensions = hmap_tex.description.extents,
- .filepath = filepath,
- .image_data = hmap_tex.image_data,
- .num_channels = hmap_tex.description.num_channels,
- .is_uploaded = false,
- };
-void Terrain_Draw(Terrain_Storage* storage) {
- GPU_CmdEncoder* enc = GPU_GetDefaultEncoder();
- GPU_EncodeBindPipeline(enc, storage->hmap_pipeline);
- RenderScene* scene = Render_GetScene();
- Mat4 view, proj;
- u32x2 dimensions = GPU_Swapchain_GetDimensions();
- Camera_ViewProj(&scene->camera, (f32)dimensions.x, (f32)dimensions.y, &view, &proj);
- Binding_Camera camera_data = { .view = view,
- .projection = proj,
- .viewPos = vec4(scene->camera.position.x, scene->camera.position.y,
- scene->camera.position.z, 1.0) };
- GPU_EncodeBindShaderData(enc, 0, Binding_Camera_GetLayout(&camera_data));
- TerrainUniforms uniforms = { .tex_slot_1 = storage->texture };
- ShaderDataLayout terrain_data = TerrainUniforms_GetLayout(&uniforms);
- GPU_EncodeBindShaderData(enc, 1, terrain_data);
- GPU_EncodeSetVertexBuffer(enc, storage->vertex_buffer);
- GPU_EncodeSetIndexBuffer(enc, storage->index_buffer);
- GPU_EncodeDrawIndexedTris(enc, storage->indices_count);
- // glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, storage->num_vertices);
-f32 Heightmap_HeightXZ(const Heightmap* hmap, u32 x, u32 z) {
- // its single channel so only one byte per pixel
- size_t position = x * hmap->pixel_dimensions.x + z;
- u8* bytes = hmap->image_data;
- u8 channel = bytes[position];
- float value = (float)channel / 2.0; /// 255.0;
- return value;
-ShaderDataLayout TerrainUniforms_GetLayout(void* data) {
- TerrainUniforms* d = data;
- bool has_data = data != NULL;
- ShaderBinding b1 = {
- .label = "TextureSlot1",
- };
- if (has_data) {
- = d->tex_slot_1;
- }
- return (ShaderDataLayout){ .bindings = { b1 }, .binding_count = 1 };
diff --git a/archive/src/systems/terrain.h b/archive/src/systems/terrain.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a96132..0000000
--- a/archive/src/systems/terrain.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- * @file terrain.h
- * @brief
- */
-#pragma once
- - Chunked terrain
- - Dynamic LOD
-#include "defines.h"
-#include "maths_types.h"
-#include "ral_types.h"
-#include "render.h"
-#include "str.h"
-typedef struct Heightmap {
- Str8 filepath;
- u32x2 pixel_dimensions;
- void* image_data;
- u32 num_channels;
- bool is_uploaded;
-} Heightmap;
-typedef struct Terrain_Storage {
- // arena terrain_allocator;
- u32x2 grid_dimensions;
- f32 grid_scale;
- u32 num_vertices;
- Heightmap heightmap; // NULL = no heightmap
- GPU_Renderpass* hmap_renderpass;
- GPU_Pipeline* hmap_pipeline;
- TextureHandle texture;
- bool hmap_loaded;
- BufferHandle vertex_buffer;
- BufferHandle index_buffer;
- u32 indices_count;
-} Terrain_Storage;
-// --- Public API
-PUB bool Terrain_Init(Terrain_Storage* storage);
-PUB void Terrain_Shutdown(Terrain_Storage* storage);
-PUB void Terrain_Draw(
- Terrain_Storage* storage); // NOTE: For now it renders directly to main framebuffer
-/** @brief Sets the active heightmap to be rendered and collided against. */
-PUB void Terrain_LoadHeightmap(Terrain_Storage* storage, Heightmap hmap, f32 grid_scale,
- bool free_on_upload);
-PUB Heightmap Heightmap_FromImage(Str8 filepath);
-PUB Heightmap Heightmap_FromPerlin(/* TODO: perlin noise generation parameters */);
-PUB bool Terrain_IsActive(); // checks whether we have a loaded heightmap and it's being rendered
-/** @brief Get the height (the Y component) for a vertex at a particular coordinate in the heightmap
- */
-PUB f32 Heightmap_HeightXZ(const Heightmap* hmap, u32 x, u32 z);
-/** @brief Calculate the normal vector of a vertex at a particular coordinate in the heightmap */
-PUB Vec3 Heightmap_NormalXZ(const Heightmap* hmap, f32 x, f32 z);
-// /** @brief Generate the `geometry_data` for a heightmap ready to be uploaded to the GPU */
-// Geometry geo_heightmap(arena* a, Heightmap heightmap);
-typedef struct TerrainUniforms {
- TextureHandle tex_slot_1;
-} TerrainUniforms;
-ShaderDataLayout TerrainUniforms_GetLayout(void* data); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/archive/src/systems/text.c b/archive/src/systems/text.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bb5399..0000000
--- a/archive/src/systems/text.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-// TODO: Port from previous repo \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/archive/src/systems/text.h b/archive/src/systems/text.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 983ffd6..0000000
--- a/archive/src/systems/text.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * @brief
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <stb_truetype.h>
-#include "darray.h"
-#include "defines.h"
-#include "ral.h"
-#include "render_types.h"
-// struct core;
-// /** @brief internal font struct */
-// typedef struct font {
-// const char *name;
-// stbtt_fontinfo stbtt_font;
-// stbtt_bakedchar c_data[96];
-// texture_handle bitmap_tex;
-// } font;
-// typedef struct draw_text_packet {
-// char *contents;
-// f32 x;
-// f32 y;
-// } draw_text_packet;
-// KITC_DECL_TYPED_ARRAY(draw_text_packet)
-// typedef struct text_system_state {
-// font default_font;
-// shader_handle glyph_shader;
-// u32 glyph_vbo;
-// u32 glyph_vao;
-// draw_text_packet_darray *draw_cmd_buf;
-// // TODO: fonts array or hashtable
-// } text_system_state;
-// void text_system_render(text_system_state *text);
-// // --- Lifecycle functions
-// bool text_system_init(text_system_state *text);
-// void text_system_shutdown(text_system_state *text);
-// // --- Drawing
-// /**
-// * @brief immediate mode draw text.
-// * @note immediately emits draw calls causing a shader program switch if you weren't previously
-// drawing text in the current frame.
-// */
-// void draw_text(struct core *core, f32 x, f32 y, char *contents);