path: root/src/render/ral.h
diff options
authoromnisci3nce <>2024-07-17 23:12:42 +1000
committeromnisci3nce <>2024-07-17 23:12:42 +1000
commitc3737fff1be704e14a2bada69bbf8a6709c5f670 (patch)
treeaa2225901f26598b07855a65a944354fbedc40b1 /src/render/ral.h
parentf8641a5cc4c8baf1f0a7be3685afc219d90143d9 (diff)
wip shader layouts for common stuff
Diffstat (limited to 'src/render/ral.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/src/render/ral.h b/src/render/ral.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fc3c96c..0000000
--- a/src/render/ral.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
- * @file ral.h
- * @author your name (
- * @brief Render Abstraction Layer
- * @details API that a graphics backend *must* implement
- * @version 0.1
- * @date 2024-03-31
- *
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2024
- *
- */
-#pragma once
-#include "buf.h"
-#include "defines.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "ral_types.h"
-#include "str.h"
-// Unrelated forward declares
-struct GLFWwindow;
-// Forward declare structs - these must be defined in the backend implementation
-typedef struct gpu_swapchain gpu_swapchain;
-typedef struct gpu_device gpu_device;
-typedef struct gpu_pipeline_layout gpu_pipeline_layout;
-typedef struct gpu_pipeline gpu_pipeline;
-typedef struct gpu_renderpass gpu_renderpass;
-typedef struct gpu_cmd_encoder gpu_cmd_encoder; // Recording
-typedef struct gpu_cmd_buffer gpu_cmd_buffer; // Ready for submission
-typedef struct gpu_buffer gpu_buffer;
-typedef struct gpu_texture gpu_texture;
-// #define MAX_BUFFERS 256
-// #define MAX_TEXTURES 256
-// #define MAX_PIPELINES 128
-// #define MAX_RENDERPASSES 128
-// TYPED_POOL(gpu_buffer, buffer);
-// TYPED_POOL(gpu_texture, texture);
-// TYPED_POOL(gpu_pipeline_layout, pipeline_layout);
-// TYPED_POOL(gpu_pipeline, pipeline);
-// TYPED_POOL(gpu_renderpass, renderpass);
-// // --- Handy macros
-// #define BUFFER_GET(h) (buffer_pool_get(&context.resource_pools->buffers, h))
-// #define TEXTURE_GET(h) (texture_pool_get(&context.resource_pools->textures, h))
-// --- Pools
-// typedef struct gpu_backend_pools {
-// pipeline_pool pipelines;
-// pipeline_layout_pool pipeline_layouts;
-// renderpass_pool renderpasses;
-// } gpu_backend_pools;
-// void backend_pools_init(arena* a, gpu_backend_pools* backend_pools);
-// struct resource_pools {
-// buffer_pool buffers;
-// texture_pool textures;
-// };
-// void resource_pools_init(arena* a, struct resource_pools* res_pools);
-// --- Pipeline description
-typedef enum pipeline_kind {
-} pipeline_kind;
-typedef struct shader_desc {
- const char* debug_name;
- str8 filepath; // Where it came from
- str8 code; // Either GLSL or SPIRV bytecode
- bool is_spirv;
- bool is_combined_vert_frag; // Contains both vertex and fragment stages
-} shader_desc;
-shader_desc shader_quick_load(const char* filepath);
-/** @brief Hot reloads shaders for the given pipeline. Returns how long it took in milliseconds */
-u64 gpu_pipeline_reload_shaders(gpu_pipeline* pipeline); // TODO
-struct graphics_pipeline_desc {
- const char* debug_name;
- vertex_description vertex_desc;
- shader_desc vs; /** @brief Vertex shader stage */
- shader_desc fs; /** @brief Fragment shader stage */
- // Roughly equivalent to a descriptor set layout each. each layout can have multiple bindings
- // examples:
- // - uniform buffer reprensenting view projection matrix
- // - texture for shadow map
- shader_data data_layouts[MAX_SHADER_DATA_LAYOUTS];
- u32 data_layouts_count;
- // gpu_pipeline_layout* layout;
- gpu_renderpass* renderpass;
- bool wireframe;
- bool depth_test;
-typedef struct gpu_renderpass_desc {
- bool default_framebuffer;
- bool has_color_target;
- texture_handle color_target; // for now only support one
- bool has_depth_stencil;
- texture_handle depth_stencil;
-} gpu_renderpass_desc;
-// --- Lifecycle functions
-// bool gpu_backend_init(const char* window_name, struct GLFWwindow* window);
-// void gpu_backend_shutdown();
-void resource_pools_init(arena* a, struct resource_pools* res_pools);
-// bool gpu_device_create(gpu_device* out_device);
-// void gpu_device_destroy();
-// // --- Render Pipeline
-// gpu_pipeline* gpu_graphics_pipeline_create(struct graphics_pipeline_desc description);
-// void gpu_pipeline_destroy(gpu_pipeline* pipeline);
-// // --- Renderpass
-// gpu_renderpass* gpu_renderpass_create(const gpu_renderpass_desc* description);
-// void gpu_renderpass_destroy(gpu_renderpass* pass);
-// // --- Swapchain
-// bool gpu_swapchain_create(gpu_swapchain* out_swapchain);
-// void gpu_swapchain_destroy(gpu_swapchain* swapchain);
-// --- Command buffer
-gpu_cmd_encoder gpu_cmd_encoder_create();
-void gpu_cmd_encoder_destroy(gpu_cmd_encoder* encoder);
-void gpu_cmd_encoder_begin(gpu_cmd_encoder encoder);
-void gpu_cmd_encoder_begin_render(gpu_cmd_encoder* encoder, gpu_renderpass* renderpass);
-void gpu_cmd_encoder_end_render(gpu_cmd_encoder* encoder);
-void gpu_cmd_encoder_begin_compute();
-gpu_cmd_encoder* gpu_get_default_cmd_encoder();
-/** @brief Finish recording and return a command buffer that can be submitted to a queue */
-gpu_cmd_buffer gpu_cmd_encoder_finish(gpu_cmd_encoder* encoder);
-void gpu_queue_submit(gpu_cmd_buffer* buffer);
-// --- Data copy commands
-/** @brief Copy data from one buffer to another */
-void encode_buffer_copy(gpu_cmd_encoder* encoder, buffer_handle src, u64 src_offset,
- buffer_handle dst, u64 dst_offset, u64 copy_size);
-/** @brief Upload CPU-side data as array of bytes to a GPU buffer */
-void buffer_upload_bytes(buffer_handle gpu_buf, bytebuffer cpu_buf, u64 offset, u64 size);
-/** @brief Copy data from buffer to buffer using a one time submit command buffer and a wait */
-void copy_buffer_to_buffer_oneshot(buffer_handle src, u64 src_offset, buffer_handle dst,
- u64 dst_offset, u64 copy_size);
-/** @brief Copy data from buffer to an image using a one time submit command buffer */
-void copy_buffer_to_image_oneshot(buffer_handle src, texture_handle dst);
-// --- Render commands
-void encode_bind_pipeline(gpu_cmd_encoder* encoder, pipeline_kind kind, gpu_pipeline* pipeline);
-void encode_bind_shader_data(gpu_cmd_encoder* encoder, u32 group, shader_data* data);
-void encode_set_default_settings(gpu_cmd_encoder* encoder);
-void encode_set_vertex_buffer(gpu_cmd_encoder* encoder, buffer_handle buf);
-void encode_set_index_buffer(gpu_cmd_encoder* encoder, buffer_handle buf);
-void encode_set_bind_group(); // TODO
-void encode_draw(gpu_cmd_encoder* encoder, u64 count);
-void encode_draw_indexed(gpu_cmd_encoder* encoder, u64 index_count);
-void encode_clear_buffer(gpu_cmd_encoder* encoder, buffer_handle buf);
-// --- Buffers
-// --- Vertex formats
-bytebuffer vertices_as_bytebuffer(arena* a, vertex_format format, vertex_darray* vertices);
-void vertex_desc_add(vertex_description* builder, const char* name, vertex_attrib_type type);
-// --- TEMP
-bool gpu_backend_begin_frame();
-void gpu_backend_end_frame();
-void gpu_temp_draw(size_t n_verts);
-// TODO: --- Compute
-// --- Helpers
-vertex_description static_3d_vertex_description();
-size_t vertex_attrib_size(vertex_attrib_type attr);