path: root/archive/src/maths/primitives.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'archive/src/maths/primitives.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 343 deletions
diff --git a/archive/src/maths/primitives.c b/archive/src/maths/primitives.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c24d1e2..0000000
--- a/archive/src/maths/primitives.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-#include "primitives.h"
-#include "colours.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "maths.h"
-#include "maths_types.h"
-#include "ral_types.h"
-#include "render_types.h"
-// --- Helpers
-void push_triangle(u32_darray* arr, u32 i0, u32 i1, u32 i2) {
- u32_darray_push(arr, i0);
- u32_darray_push(arr, i1);
- u32_darray_push(arr, i2);
-Vec3 plane_vertex_positions[] = {
- (Vec3){ -0.5, 0, -0.5 },
- (Vec3){ 0.5, 0, -0.5 },
- (Vec3){ -0.5, 0, 0.5 },
- (Vec3){ 0.5, 0, 0.5 },
-Geometry Geo_CreatePlane(f32x2 extents, u32 tiling_u, u32 tiling_v) {
- CASSERT(tiling_u >= 1 && tiling_v >= 1);
- Vertex_darray* vertices = Vertex_darray_new(4);
- u32_darray* indices = u32_darray_new(vertices->len);
- Vec3 vert_pos[4];
- memcpy(&vert_pos, plane_vertex_positions, sizeof(plane_vertex_positions));
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- vert_pos[i].x *= extents.x;
- vert_pos[i].z *= extents.y;
- }
- VERT_3D(vertices, vert_pos[0], VEC3_Y, vec2(0, 0)); // back left
- VERT_3D(vertices, vert_pos[1], VEC3_Y, vec2(1 * tiling_u, 0 * tiling_v)); // back right
- VERT_3D(vertices, vert_pos[2], VEC3_Y, vec2(0, 1 * tiling_v)); // front left
- VERT_3D(vertices, vert_pos[3], VEC3_Y, vec2(1 * tiling_u, 1 * tiling_v)); // front right
- // push_triangle(indices, 0, 1, 2);
- // push_triangle(indices, 2, 1, 3);
- push_triangle(indices, 2, 1, 0);
- push_triangle(indices, 1, 2, 3);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- printf("Vertex %d: (%f, %f, %f)\n", i, vert_pos[i].x, vert_pos[i].y, vert_pos[i].z);
- }
- Geometry geo = { .format = VERTEX_STATIC_3D,
- .vertices = vertices,
- .has_indices = true,
- .index_count = indices->len,
- .indices = indices };
- return geo;
-Geometry Geo_CreateCuboid(f32x3 extents) {
- Vertex_darray* vertices = Vertex_darray_new(36);
- // back faces
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_TOP_RIGHT, VEC3_NEG_Z, vec2(1, 0));
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_BOT_LEFT, VEC3_NEG_Z, vec2(0, 1));
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_TOP_LEFT, VEC3_NEG_Z, vec2(0, 0));
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_TOP_RIGHT, VEC3_NEG_Z, vec2(1, 0));
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_BOT_RIGHT, VEC3_NEG_Z, vec2(1, 1));
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_BOT_LEFT, VEC3_NEG_Z, vec2(0, 1));
- // front faces
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_BOT_LEFT, VEC3_Z, vec2(0, 1));
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_TOP_RIGHT, VEC3_Z, vec2(1, 0));
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_TOP_LEFT, VEC3_Z, vec2(0, 0));
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_BOT_LEFT, VEC3_Z, vec2(0, 1));
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_BOT_RIGHT, VEC3_Z, vec2(1, 1));
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_TOP_RIGHT, VEC3_Z, vec2(1, 0));
- // top faces
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_TOP_LEFT, VEC3_Y, vec2(0, 0));
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_TOP_LEFT, VEC3_Y, vec2(0, 1));
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_TOP_RIGHT, VEC3_Y, vec2(1, 1));
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_TOP_LEFT, VEC3_Y, vec2(0, 0));
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_TOP_RIGHT, VEC3_Y, vec2(1, 1));
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_TOP_RIGHT, VEC3_Y, vec2(1, 0));
- // bottom faces
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_BOT_LEFT, VEC3_NEG_Y, vec2(0, 1));
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_BOT_RIGHT, VEC3_NEG_Y, vec2(1, 1));
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_BOT_LEFT, VEC3_NEG_Y, vec2(0, 1));
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_BOT_LEFT, VEC3_NEG_Y, vec2(0, 1));
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_BOT_RIGHT, VEC3_NEG_Y, vec2(1, 1));
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_BOT_RIGHT, VEC3_NEG_Y, vec2(0, 1));
- // right faces
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_TOP_RIGHT, VEC3_X, vec2(0, 0));
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_BOT_RIGHT, VEC3_X, vec2(1, 1));
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_TOP_RIGHT, VEC3_X, vec2(1, 0));
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_BOT_RIGHT, VEC3_X, vec2(1, 1));
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_TOP_RIGHT, VEC3_X, vec2(0, 0));
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_BOT_RIGHT, VEC3_X, vec2(0, 1));
- // left faces
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_TOP_LEFT, VEC3_NEG_X, vec2(0, 0));
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_TOP_LEFT, VEC3_NEG_X, vec2(0, 0));
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_BOT_LEFT, VEC3_NEG_X, vec2(0, 0));
- VERT_3D(vertices, BACK_BOT_LEFT, VEC3_NEG_X, vec2(0, 0));
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_BOT_LEFT, VEC3_NEG_X, vec2(0, 0));
- VERT_3D(vertices, FRONT_TOP_LEFT, VEC3_NEG_X, vec2(0, 0));
- u32_darray* indices = u32_darray_new(vertices->len);
- for (u32 i = 0; i < vertices->len; i++) {
- u32_darray_push(indices, i);
- vertices->data[i].static_3d.position =
- vec3_sub(vertices->data[i].static_3d.position,
- vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); // make center of the cube is the origin of mesh space
- }
- Geometry geo = {
- .format = VERTEX_STATIC_3D,
- .vertices = vertices,
- .has_indices = true,
- .index_count = indices->len,
- .indices = indices, // FIXME: make darray methods that return stack allocated struct
- };
- return geo;
-// --- Spheres
-Vec3 spherical_to_cartesian_coords(f32 rho, f32 theta, f32 phi) {
- f32 x = rho * sin(phi) * cos(theta);
- f32 y = rho * cos(phi);
- f32 z = rho * sin(phi) * sin(theta);
- return vec3(x, y, z);
-Geometry Geo_CreateUVsphere(f32 radius, u32 north_south_lines, u32 east_west_lines) {
- assert(east_west_lines >= 3); // sphere will be degenerate and look gacked without at least 3
- assert(north_south_lines >= 3);
- Vertex_darray* vertices = Vertex_darray_new(2 + (east_west_lines - 1) * north_south_lines);
- // Create a UV sphere with spherical coordinates
- // a point P on the unit sphere can be represented P(r, theta, phi)
- // for each vertex we must convert that to a cartesian R3 coordinate
- // Top point
- Vertex top = { .static_3d = { .position = vec3(0, radius, 0),
- .normal = vec3_normalise(vec3(0, radius, 0)),
- .tex_coords = vec2(0, 0) } };
- Vertex_darray_push(vertices, top);
- // parallels
- for (u32 i = 0; i < (east_west_lines - 1); i++) {
- // phi should range from 0 to pi
- f32 phi = PI * (((f32)i + 1) / (f32)east_west_lines);
- // meridians
- for (u32 j = 0; j < east_west_lines; j++) {
- // theta should range from 0 to 2PI
- f32 theta = TAU * ((f32)j / (f32)north_south_lines);
- Vec3 position = spherical_to_cartesian_coords(radius, theta, phi);
- // f32 d = vec3_len(position);
- // print_vec3(position);
- // printf("Phi %f Theta %f d %d\n", phi, theta, d);
- // assert(d == radius); // all points on the sphere should be 'radius' away from the origin
- Vertex v = { .static_3d = {
- .position = position,
- .normal =
- vec3_normalise(position), // normal vector on sphere is same as position
- .tex_coords = vec2(0, 0) // TODO
- } };
- Vertex_darray_push(vertices, v);
- }
- }
- // Bottom point
- Vertex bot = { .static_3d = { .position = vec3(0, -radius, 0),
- .normal = vec3_normalise(vec3(0, -radius, 0)),
- .tex_coords = vec2(0, 0) } };
- Vertex_darray_push(vertices, bot);
- u32_darray* indices = u32_darray_new(1);
- // top bottom rings
- for (u32 i = 0; i < north_south_lines; i++) {
- u32 i1 = i + 1;
- u32 i2 = (i + 1) % north_south_lines + 1;
- push_triangle(indices, 0, i2, i1);
- /* TRACE("Push triangle (%.2f %.2f %.2f)->(%.2f %.2f %.2f)->(%.2f %.2f %.2f)\n", */
- /* vertices->data[0].static_3d.position.x, vertices->data[0].static_3d.position.y, */
- /* vertices->data[0].static_3d.position.z, vertices->data[i1].static_3d.position.x, */
- /* vertices->data[i1].static_3d.position.y, vertices->data[i1].static_3d.position.z, */
- /* vertices->data[i2].static_3d.position.x, vertices->data[i2].static_3d.position.y, */
- /* vertices->data[i2].static_3d.position.z); */
- u32 bot = vertices->len - 1;
- u32 i3 = i + north_south_lines * (east_west_lines - 2) + 1;
- u32 i4 = (i + 1) % north_south_lines + north_south_lines * (east_west_lines - 2) + 1;
- push_triangle(indices, bot, i3, i4);
- }
- // quads
- for (u32 i = 0; i < east_west_lines - 2; i++) {
- u32 ring_start = i * north_south_lines + 1;
- u32 next_ring_start = (i + 1) * north_south_lines + 1;
- /* printf("ring start %d next ring start %d\n", ring_start, next_ring_start); */
- /* print_vec3(vertices->data[ring_start].static_3d.position); */
- /* print_vec3(vertices->data[next_ring_start].static_3d.position); */
- for (u32 j = 0; j < north_south_lines; j++) {
- u32 i0 = ring_start + j;
- u32 i1 = next_ring_start + j;
- u32 i2 = ring_start + (j + 1) % north_south_lines;
- u32 i3 = next_ring_start + (j + 1) % north_south_lines;
- push_triangle(indices, i0, i2, i1);
- /* TRACE("Push triangle (%.2f %.2f %.2f)->(%.2f %.2f %.2f)->(%.2f %.2f %.2f)\n", */
- /* vertices->data[i0].static_3d.position.x, vertices->data[i0].static_3d.position.y, */
- /* vertices->data[i0].static_3d.position.z, vertices->data[i1].static_3d.position.x, */
- /* vertices->data[i1].static_3d.position.y, vertices->data[i1].static_3d.position.z, */
- /* vertices->data[i2].static_3d.position.x, vertices->data[i2].static_3d.position.y, */
- /* vertices->data[i2].static_3d.position.z); */
- push_triangle(indices, i1, i2, i3);
- }
- }
- Geometry geo = {
- .format = VERTEX_STATIC_3D,
- .vertices = vertices,
- .has_indices = true,
- .index_count = indices->len,
- .indices = indices,
- };
- return geo;
-Geometry Geo_CreateCone(f32 radius, f32 height, u32 resolution) {
- Vertex_darray* vertices = Vertex_darray_new((resolution + 1) * 2);
- u32_darray* indices = u32_darray_new(resolution * 2 * 3);
- // TODO: decide how UVs are unwrapped
- // tip
- VERT_3D(vertices, vec3(0.0, height, 0.0), VEC3_Y, vec2(0, 0));
- // sides
- f32 step = TAU / resolution;
- for (u32 i = 0; i < resolution; i++) {
- f32 x = cos(step * i) * radius;
- f32 z = sin(step * i) * radius;
- Vec3 pos = vec3(x, 0.0, z);
- Vec3 tip_to_vertex = vec3_sub(pos, vertices->data[0].static_3d.position);
- Vec3 center_to_vertex = pos;
- Vec3 tangent = vec3_cross(VEC3_Y, center_to_vertex);
- Vec3 normal_dir = vec3_cross(tangent, tip_to_vertex);
- Vec3 normal = vec3_normalise(normal_dir);
- VERT_3D(vertices, pos, normal, vec2(0, 0));
- }
- for (u32 i = 1; i < resolution; i++) {
- push_triangle(indices, 0, i + 1, i);
- }
- push_triangle(indices, 0, 1, resolution);
- // base center
- u32 center_idx = vertices->len;
- VERT_3D(vertices, VEC3_ZERO, VEC3_NEG_Y, vec2(0, 0));
- // base circle
- for (u32 i = 0; i < resolution; i++) {
- f32 x = cos(step * i) * radius;
- f32 z = sin(step * i) * radius;
- VERT_3D(vertices, vec3(x, 0.0, z), VEC3_NEG_Z, vec2(0, 0));
- }
- for (u32 i = 1; i < resolution; i++) {
- push_triangle(indices, center_idx, center_idx + i, center_idx + i + 1);
- }
- push_triangle(indices, center_idx, center_idx + resolution, center_idx + 1);
- Geometry geo = {
- .format = VERTEX_STATIC_3D,
- .vertices = vertices,
- .has_indices = true,
- .index_count = indices->len,
- .indices = indices,
- };
- return geo;
-Geometry Geo_CreateCylinder(f32 radius, f32 height, u32 resolution) {
- Vertex_darray* vertices = Vertex_darray_new(1);
- u32_darray* indices = u32_darray_new(1);
- f32 step = TAU / resolution;
- // bot cap
- VERT_3D(vertices, VEC3_ZERO, VEC3_NEG_Y, vec2(0, 0));
- for (u32 i = 0; i < resolution; i++) {
- VERT_3D(vertices, vec3(cos(step * i) * radius, 0.0, sin(step * i) * radius), VEC3_NEG_Y,
- vec2(0, 0));
- }
- for (u32 i = 1; i < resolution; i++) {
- push_triangle(indices, 0, i, i + 1);
- }
- push_triangle(indices, 0, resolution, 1);
- // top cap
- u32 center_idx = vertices->len;
- VERT_3D(vertices, vec3(0.0, height, 0.0), VEC3_Y, vec2(0, 0));
- for (u32 i = 0; i < resolution; i++) {
- VERT_3D(vertices, vec3(cos(step * i) * radius, height, sin(step * i) * radius), VEC3_Y,
- vec2(0, 0));
- }
- for (u32 i = 1; i < resolution; i++) {
- push_triangle(indices, center_idx, center_idx + i + 1, center_idx + i);
- }
- push_triangle(indices, center_idx, center_idx + 1, center_idx + resolution);
- // sides
- u32 sides_start = vertices->len;
- for (u32 i = 0; i < resolution; i++) {
- f32 x = cos(step * i) * radius;
- f32 z = sin(step * i) * radius;
- // top then bottom
- VERT_3D(vertices, vec3(x, height, z), vec3_normalise(vec3(x, 0.0, z)), vec2(0, 0));
- VERT_3D(vertices, vec3(x, 0.0, z), vec3_normalise(vec3(x, 0.0, z)), vec2(0, 0));
- }
- for (u32 i = 0; i < resolution; i++) {
- u32 current = sides_start + i * 2;
- u32 next = sides_start + ((i + 1) % resolution) * 2;
- push_triangle(indices, current, next, current + 1);
- push_triangle(indices, current + 1, next, next + 1);
- }
- Geometry geo = {
- .format = VERTEX_STATIC_3D,
- .vertices = vertices,
- .has_indices = true,
- .index_count = indices->len,
- .indices = indices,
- };
- return geo;