path: root/deps/glfw-3.3.8/examples/wave.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/glfw-3.3.8/examples/wave.c')
1 files changed, 462 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/glfw-3.3.8/examples/wave.c b/deps/glfw-3.3.8/examples/wave.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7acb8b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/glfw-3.3.8/examples/wave.c
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+ * Wave Simulation in OpenGL
+ * (C) 2002 Jakob Thomsen
+ *
+ * Modified for GLFW by Sylvain Hellegouarch -
+ * Modified for variable frame rate by Marcus Geelnard
+ * 2003-Jan-31: Minor cleanups and speedups / MG
+ * 2010-10-24: Formatting and cleanup - Camilla Löwy
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+ // Make MS math.h define M_PI
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <glad/gl.h>
+#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
+#include <linmath.h>
+// Maximum delta T to allow for differential calculations
+#define MAX_DELTA_T 0.01
+// Animation speed (10.0 looks good)
+#define ANIMATION_SPEED 10.0
+GLfloat alpha = 210.f, beta = -70.f;
+GLfloat zoom = 2.f;
+double cursorX;
+double cursorY;
+struct Vertex
+ GLfloat x, y, z;
+ GLfloat r, g, b;
+#define GRIDW 50
+#define GRIDH 50
+#define QUADW (GRIDW - 1)
+#define QUADH (GRIDH - 1)
+GLuint quad[4 * QUADNUM];
+struct Vertex vertex[VERTEXNUM];
+/* The grid will look like this:
+ *
+ * 3 4 5
+ * *---*---*
+ * | | |
+ * | 0 | 1 |
+ * | | |
+ * *---*---*
+ * 0 1 2
+ */
+// Initialize grid geometry
+void init_vertices(void)
+ int x, y, p;
+ // Place the vertices in a grid
+ for (y = 0; y < GRIDH; y++)
+ {
+ for (x = 0; x < GRIDW; x++)
+ {
+ p = y * GRIDW + x;
+ vertex[p].x = (GLfloat) (x - GRIDW / 2) / (GLfloat) (GRIDW / 2);
+ vertex[p].y = (GLfloat) (y - GRIDH / 2) / (GLfloat) (GRIDH / 2);
+ vertex[p].z = 0;
+ if ((x % 4 < 2) ^ (y % 4 < 2))
+ vertex[p].r = 0.0;
+ else
+ vertex[p].r = 1.0;
+ vertex[p].g = (GLfloat) y / (GLfloat) GRIDH;
+ vertex[p].b = 1.f - ((GLfloat) x / (GLfloat) GRIDW + (GLfloat) y / (GLfloat) GRIDH) / 2.f;
+ }
+ }
+ for (y = 0; y < QUADH; y++)
+ {
+ for (x = 0; x < QUADW; x++)
+ {
+ p = 4 * (y * QUADW + x);
+ quad[p + 0] = y * GRIDW + x; // Some point
+ quad[p + 1] = y * GRIDW + x + 1; // Neighbor at the right side
+ quad[p + 2] = (y + 1) * GRIDW + x + 1; // Upper right neighbor
+ quad[p + 3] = (y + 1) * GRIDW + x; // Upper neighbor
+ }
+ }
+double dt;
+double p[GRIDW][GRIDH];
+double vx[GRIDW][GRIDH], vy[GRIDW][GRIDH];
+double ax[GRIDW][GRIDH], ay[GRIDW][GRIDH];
+// Initialize grid
+void init_grid(void)
+ int x, y;
+ double dx, dy, d;
+ for (y = 0; y < GRIDH; y++)
+ {
+ for (x = 0; x < GRIDW; x++)
+ {
+ dx = (double) (x - GRIDW / 2);
+ dy = (double) (y - GRIDH / 2);
+ d = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+ if (d < 0.1 * (double) (GRIDW / 2))
+ {
+ d = d * 10.0;
+ p[x][y] = -cos(d * (M_PI / (double)(GRIDW * 4))) * 100.0;
+ }
+ else
+ p[x][y] = 0.0;
+ vx[x][y] = 0.0;
+ vy[x][y] = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+// Draw scene
+void draw_scene(GLFWwindow* window)
+ // Clear the color and depth buffers
+ // We don't want to modify the projection matrix
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ // Move back
+ glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, -zoom);
+ // Rotate the view
+ glRotatef(beta, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ glRotatef(alpha, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ glDrawElements(GL_QUADS, 4 * QUADNUM, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, quad);
+ glfwSwapBuffers(window);
+// Initialize Miscellaneous OpenGL state
+void init_opengl(void)
+ // Use Gouraud (smooth) shading
+ glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);
+ // Switch on the z-buffer
+ glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
+ glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
+ glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(struct Vertex), vertex);
+ glColorPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(struct Vertex), &vertex[0].r); // Pointer to the first color
+ glPointSize(2.0);
+ // Background color is black
+ glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
+// Modify the height of each vertex according to the pressure
+void adjust_grid(void)
+ int pos;
+ int x, y;
+ for (y = 0; y < GRIDH; y++)
+ {
+ for (x = 0; x < GRIDW; x++)
+ {
+ pos = y * GRIDW + x;
+ vertex[pos].z = (float) (p[x][y] * (1.0 / 50.0));
+ }
+ }
+// Calculate wave propagation
+void calc_grid(void)
+ int x, y, x2, y2;
+ double time_step = dt * ANIMATION_SPEED;
+ // Compute accelerations
+ for (x = 0; x < GRIDW; x++)
+ {
+ x2 = (x + 1) % GRIDW;
+ for(y = 0; y < GRIDH; y++)
+ ax[x][y] = p[x][y] - p[x2][y];
+ }
+ for (y = 0; y < GRIDH; y++)
+ {
+ y2 = (y + 1) % GRIDH;
+ for(x = 0; x < GRIDW; x++)
+ ay[x][y] = p[x][y] - p[x][y2];
+ }
+ // Compute speeds
+ for (x = 0; x < GRIDW; x++)
+ {
+ for (y = 0; y < GRIDH; y++)
+ {
+ vx[x][y] = vx[x][y] + ax[x][y] * time_step;
+ vy[x][y] = vy[x][y] + ay[x][y] * time_step;
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute pressure
+ for (x = 1; x < GRIDW; x++)
+ {
+ x2 = x - 1;
+ for (y = 1; y < GRIDH; y++)
+ {
+ y2 = y - 1;
+ p[x][y] = p[x][y] + (vx[x2][y] - vx[x][y] + vy[x][y2] - vy[x][y]) * time_step;
+ }
+ }
+// Print errors
+static void error_callback(int error, const char* description)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", description);
+// Handle key strokes
+void key_callback(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods)
+ if (action != GLFW_PRESS)
+ return;
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ glfwSetWindowShouldClose(window, GLFW_TRUE);
+ break;
+ init_grid();
+ break;
+ alpha += 5;
+ break;
+ alpha -= 5;
+ break;
+ case GLFW_KEY_UP:
+ beta -= 5;
+ break;
+ beta += 5;
+ break;
+ zoom -= 0.25f;
+ if (zoom < 0.f)
+ zoom = 0.f;
+ break;
+ zoom += 0.25f;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+// Callback function for mouse button events
+void mouse_button_callback(GLFWwindow* window, int button, int action, int mods)
+ if (button != GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)
+ return;
+ if (action == GLFW_PRESS)
+ {
+ glfwSetInputMode(window, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_DISABLED);
+ glfwGetCursorPos(window, &cursorX, &cursorY);
+ }
+ else
+ glfwSetInputMode(window, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL);
+// Callback function for cursor motion events
+void cursor_position_callback(GLFWwindow* window, double x, double y)
+ if (glfwGetInputMode(window, GLFW_CURSOR) == GLFW_CURSOR_DISABLED)
+ {
+ alpha += (GLfloat) (x - cursorX) / 10.f;
+ beta += (GLfloat) (y - cursorY) / 10.f;
+ cursorX = x;
+ cursorY = y;
+ }
+// Callback function for scroll events
+void scroll_callback(GLFWwindow* window, double x, double y)
+ zoom += (float) y / 4.f;
+ if (zoom < 0)
+ zoom = 0;
+// Callback function for framebuffer resize events
+void framebuffer_size_callback(GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height)
+ float ratio = 1.f;
+ mat4x4 projection;
+ if (height > 0)
+ ratio = (float) width / (float) height;
+ // Setup viewport
+ glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
+ // Change to the projection matrix and set our viewing volume
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ mat4x4_perspective(projection,
+ 60.f * (float) M_PI / 180.f,
+ ratio,
+ 1.f, 1024.f);
+ glLoadMatrixf((const GLfloat*) projection);
+// main
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ GLFWwindow* window;
+ double t, dt_total, t_old;
+ int width, height;
+ glfwSetErrorCallback(error_callback);
+ if (!glfwInit())
+ window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "Wave Simulation", NULL, NULL);
+ if (!window)
+ {
+ glfwTerminate();
+ }
+ glfwSetKeyCallback(window, key_callback);
+ glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(window, framebuffer_size_callback);
+ glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(window, mouse_button_callback);
+ glfwSetCursorPosCallback(window, cursor_position_callback);
+ glfwSetScrollCallback(window, scroll_callback);
+ glfwMakeContextCurrent(window);
+ gladLoadGL(glfwGetProcAddress);
+ glfwSwapInterval(1);
+ glfwGetFramebufferSize(window, &width, &height);
+ framebuffer_size_callback(window, width, height);
+ // Initialize OpenGL
+ init_opengl();
+ // Initialize simulation
+ init_vertices();
+ init_grid();
+ adjust_grid();
+ // Initialize timer
+ t_old = glfwGetTime() - 0.01;
+ while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window))
+ {
+ t = glfwGetTime();
+ dt_total = t - t_old;
+ t_old = t;
+ // Safety - iterate if dt_total is too large
+ while (dt_total > 0.f)
+ {
+ // Select iteration time step
+ dt = dt_total > MAX_DELTA_T ? MAX_DELTA_T : dt_total;
+ dt_total -= dt;
+ // Calculate wave propagation
+ calc_grid();
+ }
+ // Compute height of each vertex
+ adjust_grid();
+ // Draw wave grid to OpenGL display
+ draw_scene(window);
+ glfwPollEvents();
+ }
+ glfwTerminate();