# This is the configuration used to check the rubocop source code. #inherit_from: .rubocop_todo.yml AllCops: TargetRubyVersion: 3.0 # These are areas where ThrowTheSwitch's coding style diverges from the Ruby standard Style/SpecialGlobalVars: EnforcedStyle: use_perl_names Style/FormatString: Enabled: false Style/GlobalVars: Enabled: false Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Enabled: false Style/RegexpLiteral: AllowInnerSlashes: true Style/HashSyntax: EnforcedStyle: no_mixed_keys Style/NumericPredicate: Enabled: false Style/MultilineBlockChain: Enabled: false Style/Alias: Enabled: false Style/EvalWithLocation: Enabled: false Style/MixinUsage: Enabled: false Style/OptionalBooleanParameter: Enabled: false # These are also places we diverge... but we will likely comply down the road Style/IfUnlessModifier: Enabled: false Style/FormatStringToken: Enabled: false # This is disabled because it seems to get confused over nested hashes Layout/HashAlignment: Enabled: false EnforcedHashRocketStyle: table EnforcedColonStyle: table Layout/LineLength: Enabled: false # We purposefully use these insecure features because they're what makes Ruby awesome Security/Eval: Enabled: false Security/YAMLLoad: Enabled: false # At this point, we're not ready to enforce inline documentation requirements Style/Documentation: Enabled: false Style/DocumentationMethod: Enabled: false # At this point, we're not ready to enforce any metrics Metrics/AbcSize: Enabled: false Metrics/BlockLength: Enabled: false Metrics/BlockNesting: Enabled: false Metrics/ClassLength: Enabled: false Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: Enabled: false Metrics/MethodLength: Enabled: false Metrics/ModuleLength: Enabled: false Metrics/ParameterLists: Enabled: false Metrics/PerceivedComplexity: Enabled: false