// Load a model // Animate it // Collide with the ground // Have a skybox #include #include "camera.h" #include "core.h" #include "maths.h" #include "render.h" #include "render_scene.h" #include "render_types.h" #include "skybox.h" #include "str.h" #include "terrain.h" #include "transform_hierarchy.h" static const char* faces[6] = { "assets/demo/skybox/left.jpg", "assets/demo/skybox/right.jpg", "assets/demo/skybox/front.jpg", "assets/demo/skybox/back.jpg", "assets/demo/skybox/top.jpg", "assets/demo/skybox/bottom.jpg" }; int main() { Core_Bringup(); // TODO: Load humanoid model + weapon // TODO: Animate it with WASD keys // TODO: Skybox // TODO: Add a ground terrain // TODO: Move camera with model // --- Render Scene Vec3 camera_pos = vec3(0.0, 4.0, 8.0); Camera cam = Camera_Create(camera_pos, vec3_negate(camera_pos), VEC3_Y, 45.0); SetCamera(cam); // update the camera in RenderScene DirectionalLight sun = { .ambient = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), }; SetMainLight(sun); // --- Terrain // Heightmap terrain = Heightmap_FromImage(str8("assets/demo/heightmap.png")); // Terrain_LoadHeightmap(terrain, true); // assert(Terrain_IsActive()); // --- Skybox // Skybox skybox = Skybox_Create(faces, 6); // --- Models // ModelHandle player_model = ModelLoad("Player Model", "assets/demo/player.gltf"); // ModelHandle sword_model = ModelLoad("Sword Model", "assets/demo/sword.gltf"); // --- Transforms // TransformHierarchy* scene_tree = TransformHierarchy_Create(); // TODO: parent camera to model - to start with I can just manually update it every frame // TODO: query joints of the gltf to get the hand bone to parent a sword to // RenderEnt player_r = { .model = player_model, .affine = mat4_ident(), .casts_shadows = true }; // RenderEnt entities[] = { player_r }; while (!ShouldExit()) { Frame_Begin(); // BEGIN Draw calls // draw the player model with shadows // Render_RenderEntities(entities, 1); // Render_DrawTerrain(); // Skybox_Draw(&skybox); // END Draw calls Frame_Draw(); Frame_End(); } Core_Shutdown(); return 0; }