// Load a model // Animate it // Collide with the ground // Have a skybox #include #include "camera.h" #include "core.h" #include "grid.h" #include "input.h" #include "keys.h" #include "loaders.h" #include "maths.h" #include "pbr.h" #include "primitives.h" #include "ral_types.h" #include "render.h" #include "render_scene.h" #include "render_types.h" #include "shadows.h" #include "skybox.h" #include "terrain.h" static const char* faces[6] = { "assets/demo/skybox/right.jpg", "assets/demo/skybox/left.jpg", "assets/demo/skybox/top.jpg", "assets/demo/skybox/bottom.jpg", "assets/demo/skybox/front.jpg", "assets/demo/skybox/back.jpg" }; int main() { Core_Bringup(NULL); // TODO: Load humanoid model + weapon // TODO: Animate it with WASD keys // TODO: Skybox (ALMOST) // TODO: Add a ground terrain // TODO: Move camera with model // --- Render Scene Vec3 camera_pos = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 2.0); Camera cam = Camera_Create(camera_pos, VEC3_NEG_Z, VEC3_Y, 45.0); SetCamera(cam); // update the camera in RenderScene DirectionalLight sun = { .ambient = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), }; SetMainLight(sun); // --- Terrain Heightmap hmap = Heightmap_FromImage(str8("assets/test_heightmap.png")); Terrain_Storage* terrain = Render_GetTerrainStorage(); Terrain_LoadHeightmap(terrain, hmap, 2.0, false); // --- Skybox Skybox skybox = Skybox_Create(faces, 6); // --- Models // create a wooden crate - loads mesh and material directly rather than via loading a model from a // gltf file Geometry cube_geo = Geo_CreateCuboid(f32x3(2.0, 2.0, 2.0)); Mesh crate_mesh = Mesh_Create(&cube_geo, false); // dont free as we may use later MeshHandle crate_mesh_handle = Mesh_pool_insert(Render_GetMeshPool(), &crate_mesh); // TextureHandle albedo_map = // TextureLoadFromFile("assets/demo/crate/Wood_Crate_001_basecolor.jpg"); TextureHandle roughness_map = TextureLoadFromFile("assets/demo/crate/Wood_Crate_001_roughness.jpg"); TextureHandle normal_map = TextureLoadFromFile("assets/demo/crate/Wood_Crate_001_normal.jpg"); TextureHandle ao_map = TextureLoadFromFile("assets/demo/crate/Wood_Crate_001_ambientOcclusion.jpg"); Material crate_mat = PBRMaterialDefault(); // crate_mat.name = "Wood_Crate"; // crate_mat.albedo_map = albedo_map; crate_mat.metallic_roughness_map = roughness_map; crate_mat.normal_map = normal_map; crate_mat.ambient_occlusion_map = ao_map; crate_mat.base_colour = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); crate_mat.metallic = 0.0; MaterialHandle crate_mat_handle = Material_pool_insert(Render_GetMaterialPool(), &crate_mat); // ModelHandle cube_handle = ModelLoad_gltf("assets/models/gltf/Cube/glTF/Cube.gltf", false); ModelHandle cube_handle = ModelLoad_gltf("assets/models/gltf/DamagedHelmet/glTF/DamagedHelmet.gltf", false); RenderEnt_darray* render_entities = RenderEnt_darray_new(1); // --- Transforms // TransformHierarchy* scene_tree = TransformHierarchy_Create(); // TODO: parent camera to model - to start with I can just manually update it every frame // TODO: query joints of the gltf to get the hand bone to parent a sword to bool draw_debug = true; while (!ShouldExit()) { Frame_Begin(); if (key_just_released(KEYCODE_TAB)) { draw_debug = !draw_debug; } FlyCamera_Update(&cam); SetCamera(cam); // BEGIN Draw calls RenderEnt_darray_clear(render_entities); // we re-extract every frame Quat rot = quat_from_axis_angle(VEC3_X, -HALF_PI, true); ModelExtractRenderEnts(render_entities, cube_handle, mat4_rotation(rot), REND_ENT_CASTS_SHADOWS); // Shadow_Run(entities, entity_count); if (draw_debug) { // draw the player model with shadows Render_RenderEntities(render_entities->data, render_entities->len); // Render_DrawTerrain(); Skybox_Draw(&skybox, cam); } else { Shadow_DrawDebugQuad(); } // Terrain_Draw(terrain); Grid_Draw(); // END Draw calls Frame_Draw(); Frame_End(); } Core_Shutdown(); return 0; }