#include "camera.h" #include "input.h" #include "keys.h" #include "maths.h" Camera Camera_Create(Vec3 pos, Vec3 front, Vec3 up, f32 fov) { Camera c = { .position = pos, .front = front, .up = up, .fov = fov }; return c; } Mat4 Camera_ViewProj(Camera *c, f32 lens_height, f32 lens_width, Mat4 *out_view, Mat4 *out_proj) { Mat4 proj = mat4_perspective(c->fov, lens_width / lens_height, 0.1, 100.0); Vec3 camera_direction = vec3_add(c->position, c->front); Mat4 view = mat4_look_at(c->position, camera_direction, c->up); if (out_view) { *out_view = view; } if (out_proj) { *out_proj = proj; } return mat4_mult(view, proj); } void Camera_Update(Camera *camera) { static f32 yaw = 0.0; static f32 pitch = 0.0; // Keyboard f32 speed = 0.25; Vec3 horizontal = vec3_cross(camera->front, camera->up); if (key_is_pressed(KEYCODE_A) || key_is_pressed(KEYCODE_KEY_LEFT)) { Vec3 displacement = vec3_mult(horizontal, -speed); camera->position = vec3_add(camera->position, displacement); } if (key_is_pressed(KEYCODE_D) || key_is_pressed(KEYCODE_KEY_RIGHT)) { Vec3 displacement = vec3_mult(horizontal, speed); camera->position = vec3_add(camera->position, displacement); } if (key_is_pressed(KEYCODE_W) || key_is_pressed(KEYCODE_KEY_UP)) { Vec3 displacement = vec3_mult(camera->front, speed); camera->position = vec3_add(camera->position, displacement); } if (key_is_pressed(KEYCODE_S) || key_is_pressed(KEYCODE_KEY_DOWN)) { Vec3 displacement = vec3_mult(camera->front, -speed); camera->position = vec3_add(camera->position, displacement); } // Mouse if (MouseBtn_Held()) { mouse_state mouse = Input_GetMouseState(); // printf("Delta x: %d Delta y %d\n",mouse.x_delta, mouse.y_delta ); f32 x_offset = mouse.x_delta; f32 y_offset = -mouse.y_delta; f32 sensitivity = 0.7f; // change this value to your liking x_offset *= sensitivity; y_offset *= sensitivity; yaw += x_offset; pitch += y_offset; // make sure that when pitch is out of bounds, screen doesn't get flipped if (pitch > 89.0f) pitch = 89.0f; if (pitch < -89.0f) pitch = -89.0f; Vec3 front; front.x = cos(deg_to_rad(yaw) * cos(deg_to_rad(pitch))); front.y = sin(deg_to_rad(pitch)); front.z = sin(deg_to_rad(yaw)) * cos(deg_to_rad(pitch)); front = vec3_normalise(front); camera->front.x = front.x; camera->front.y = front.y; camera->front.z = front.z; } // TODO: Right mouse => pan in screen space }