/** * @brief */ #include "terrain.h" #include #include "file.h" #include "glad/glad.h" #include "log.h" #include "maths.h" #include "mem.h" #include "ral_common.h" #include "ral_impl.h" #include "ral_types.h" #include "render.h" #include "render_scene.h" #include "shader_layouts.h" #include "str.h" #define TERRAIN_GRID_U 505 #define TERRAIN_GRID_V 505 bool Terrain_Init(Terrain_Storage* storage) { storage->grid_dimensions = u32x2(TERRAIN_GRID_U, TERRAIN_GRID_V); storage->hmap_loaded = false; GPU_RenderpassDesc rpass_desc = { .default_framebuffer = true, }; storage->hmap_renderpass = GPU_Renderpass_Create(rpass_desc); arena scratch = arena_create(malloc(1024 * 1024), 1024 * 1024); Str8 vert_path = str8("assets/shaders/terrain.vert"); Str8 frag_path = str8("assets/shaders/terrain.frag"); str8_opt vertex_shader = str8_from_file(&scratch, vert_path); str8_opt fragment_shader = str8_from_file(&scratch, frag_path); if (!vertex_shader.has_value || !fragment_shader.has_value) { ERROR_EXIT("Failed to load shaders from disk") } ShaderData camera_data = { .get_layout = &Binding_Camera_GetLayout }; ShaderData terrain_data = { .get_layout = &TerrainUniforms_GetLayout }; GraphicsPipelineDesc pipeline_desc = { .debug_name = "terrain rendering pipeline", .vertex_desc = static_3d_vertex_description(), .data_layouts = { camera_data, terrain_data }, .data_layouts_count = 2, .vs = { .debug_name = "terrain vertex shader", .filepath = vert_path, .code = vertex_shader.contents, }, .fs = { .debug_name = "terrain fragment shader", .filepath = frag_path, .code = fragment_shader.contents, }, .wireframe = false, }; storage->hmap_pipeline = GPU_GraphicsPipeline_Create(pipeline_desc, storage->hmap_renderpass); storage->texture = TextureLoadFromFile("assets/demo/textures/grass2.png"); return true; } void Terrain_Shutdown(Terrain_Storage* storage) {} void Terrain_LoadHeightmap(Terrain_Storage* storage, Heightmap hmap, f32 grid_scale, bool free_on_upload) { // If there's a current one we will delete it and reallocate buffers if (storage->hmap_loaded) { GPU_BufferDestroy(storage->vertex_buffer); GPU_BufferDestroy(storage->index_buffer); } u32 width = hmap.pixel_dimensions.x; u32 height = hmap.pixel_dimensions.y; storage->grid_scale = grid_scale; size_t num_vertices = storage->grid_dimensions.x * storage->grid_dimensions.y; storage->num_vertices = num_vertices; Vertex_darray* vertices = Vertex_darray_new(num_vertices); u32 index = 0; for (u32 i = 0; i < storage->grid_dimensions.x; i++) { for (u32 j = 0; j < storage->grid_dimensions.y; j++) { size_t position = j * storage->grid_dimensions.x + i; u8* bytes = hmap.image_data; u8 channel = bytes[position]; float value = (float)channel / 255.0; // printf("(%d, %d) %d : %f \n", i, j, channel, value); assert(index < num_vertices); f32 height = Heightmap_HeightXZ(&hmap, i, j); Vec3 v_pos = vec3_create(i * grid_scale, height, j * grid_scale); Vec3 v_normal = VEC3_Y; float tiling_factor = 505.0f; Vec2 v_uv = vec2((f32)i / width * tiling_factor, (f32)j / height * tiling_factor); Vertex v = { .static_3d = { .position = v_pos, .normal = v_normal, .tex_coords = v_uv } }; Vertex_darray_push(vertices, v); index++; } } BufferHandle vertices_handle = GPU_BufferCreate(num_vertices * sizeof(Vertex), BUFFER_VERTEX, BUFFER_FLAG_GPU, vertices->data); storage->vertex_buffer = vertices_handle; u32 quad_count = (width - 1) * (height - 1); u32 indices_count = quad_count * 6; storage->indices_count = indices_count; u32_darray* indices = u32_darray_new(indices_count); for (u32 i = 0; i < (width - 1); i++) { // row for (u32 j = 0; j < (height - 1); j++) { // col u32 bot_left = i * width + j; u32 top_left = (i + 1) * width + j; u32 top_right = (i + 1) * width + (j + 1); u32 bot_right = i * width + j + 1; // top left tri u32_darray_push(indices, top_right); u32_darray_push(indices, top_left); u32_darray_push(indices, bot_left); // bottom right tri u32_darray_push(indices, bot_right); u32_darray_push(indices, top_right); u32_darray_push(indices, bot_left); } } BufferHandle indices_handle = GPU_BufferCreate(indices_count * sizeof(u32), BUFFER_INDEX, BUFFER_FLAG_GPU, indices->data); storage->index_buffer = indices_handle; } Heightmap Heightmap_FromImage(Str8 filepath) { size_t max_size = MB(16); arena arena = arena_create(malloc(max_size), max_size); // str8_opt maybe_file = str8_from_file(&arena, filepath); // assert(maybe_file.has_value); TextureData hmap_tex = TextureDataLoad(Str8_to_cstr(&arena, filepath), false); // arena_free_storage(&arena); return (Heightmap){ .pixel_dimensions = hmap_tex.description.extents, .filepath = filepath, .image_data = hmap_tex.image_data, .num_channels = hmap_tex.description.num_channels, .is_uploaded = false, }; } void Terrain_Draw(Terrain_Storage* storage) { GPU_CmdEncoder* enc = GPU_GetDefaultEncoder(); GPU_EncodeBindPipeline(enc, storage->hmap_pipeline); RenderScene* scene = Render_GetScene(); Mat4 view, proj; u32x2 dimensions = GPU_Swapchain_GetDimensions(); Camera_ViewProj(&scene->camera, (f32)dimensions.x, (f32)dimensions.y, &view, &proj); Binding_Camera camera_data = { .view = view, .projection = proj, .viewPos = vec4(scene->camera.position.x, scene->camera.position.y, scene->camera.position.z, 1.0) }; GPU_EncodeBindShaderData( enc, 0, (ShaderData){ .data = &camera_data, .get_layout = &Binding_Camera_GetLayout }); TerrainUniforms uniforms = { .tex_slot_1 = storage->texture }; ShaderData terrain_data = { .data = &uniforms, .get_layout = &TerrainUniforms_GetLayout }; GPU_EncodeBindShaderData(enc, 1, terrain_data); GPU_EncodeSetVertexBuffer(enc, storage->vertex_buffer); GPU_EncodeSetIndexBuffer(enc, storage->index_buffer); GPU_EncodeDrawIndexed(enc, storage->indices_count); // glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, storage->num_vertices); } f32 Heightmap_HeightXZ(const Heightmap* hmap, u32 x, u32 z) { // its single channel so only one byte per pixel size_t position = x * hmap->pixel_dimensions.x + z; u8* bytes = hmap->image_data; u8 channel = bytes[position]; float value = (float)channel / 2.0; /// 255.0; return value; } ShaderDataLayout TerrainUniforms_GetLayout(void* data) { TerrainUniforms* d = data; bool has_data = data != NULL; ShaderBinding b1 = { .label = "TextureSlot1", .kind = BINDING_TEXTURE, .vis = VISIBILITY_FRAGMENT, }; if (has_data) { b1.data.texture.handle = d->tex_slot_1; } return (ShaderDataLayout){ .bindings = { b1 }, .binding_count = 1 }; }