path: root/examples/skinned_animation
diff options
authorOmni <>2024-08-17 17:17:11 +1000
committerOmni <>2024-08-17 17:17:11 +1000
commiteadfaaa86c29c36dd5ef5d0b6b6fa27af0cdb8b3 (patch)
treeaf18d90ba02d5e26dd6ca746154ce9df6d3b0327 /examples/skinned_animation
parentcfd7266c21a43cbd37fa712725cea85cdd1f7aab (diff)
improving the way I load animation data and store it. Load -> Tick(Armature*) -> RenderEnt.Armature -> matrix shenanigans
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/skinned_animation')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/examples/skinned_animation/ex_skinned_animation.c b/examples/skinned_animation/ex_skinned_animation.c
index e1ebd64..81642ae 100644
--- a/examples/skinned_animation/ex_skinned_animation.c
+++ b/examples/skinned_animation/ex_skinned_animation.c
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
int main() {
double currentFrame = glfwGetTime();
double lastFrame = currentFrame;
- double deltaTime;
+ double delta_time;
Core_Bringup("Skinned Animation", NULL);
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ int main() {
// scene our_scene = make_default_scene();
- Vec3 cam_pos = vec3_create(0, 1.2, 4);
+ Vec3 cam_pos = vec3_create(1.5, 2.2, 8);
Camera cam = Camera_Create(cam_pos, VEC3_NEG_Z, VEC3_Y, deg_to_rad(45.0));
@@ -50,18 +50,20 @@ int main() {
// animation
// animation_clip track = simple_skin->animations->data[0];
- // f64 total_time = 0.0;
+ CASSERT(AnimationClip_darray_len(simple_skin->animations) > 0);
+ AnimationClip track = simple_skin->animations->data[0];
+ f64 total_time = 0.0;
while (!ShouldExit()) {
currentFrame = glfwGetTime();
- deltaTime = currentFrame - lastFrame;
+ delta_time = currentFrame - lastFrame;
lastFrame = currentFrame;
- // total_time += deltaTime;
+ total_time += delta_time;
// printf("delta time %f\n", deltaTime);
- // f64 t = fmod(total_time, track.rotation->max);
- // INFO("Total time: %f", t);
+ f64 t = fmod(total_time, track.channels->data[0].max);
+ INFO("Delta time %f Animation time: %f", delta_time, t);
// bone rotation
// Quat rot = animation_sample(track.rotation, t).rotation;
@@ -75,17 +77,17 @@ int main() {
Mesh* m = Mesh_Get(simple_skin->meshes[0]);
RenderEnt render_ents[1] = { (RenderEnt){ .mesh = simple_skin->meshes[0],
.material = m->material,
- .animation_clip = simple_skin->animations->data[0],
- .is_playing = true,
- .t = 0.0,
+ .armature = &m->armature,
.affine = mat4_ident(),
.flags = 0 } };
// ModelExtractRenderEnts(rend_ents, handle, mat4_translation(vec3(0, 0, 0)), 0);
// draw_skinned_model(&core->renderer, &, simple_skin, tf, &our_scene);
+ Animation_Tick(&track, &m->armature, t);
Render_RenderEntities(render_ents, 1);
- // Animation_VisualiseJoints(&m->armature);
+ Animation_VisualiseJoints(&m->armature);