path: root/bindgen/ocaml/bindings/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bindgen/ocaml/bindings/')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bindgen/ocaml/bindings/ b/bindgen/ocaml/bindings/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c100e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindgen/ocaml/bindings/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+(* automatically generated by ocaml-bindgen 0.0.1 *)
+type lifetime =
+ | Function
+ (** The value can live for the lifetime of the function call, which upon return will signal that the
+ value can be dropped (finalizer?) *)
+ | Ocaml (** The value is managed by the OCaml runtime *)
+ | C
+ (** The value is allocated and passed to C which is then in charge of cleaning it up *)
+type 'a cptr = { lifetime : lifetime; addr : nativeint }
+external bindgen_alloc : size:int -> nativeint = "bindgen_alloc"
+external bindgen_free : nativeint -> unit = "bindgen_free"
+external bindgen_alloc_string : string -> nativeint = "bindgen_alloc_string"
+let sizeof _ = 4 (* TODO: how to handle different types? *)
+let create_ptr (value : 'a) : 'a cptr =
+ let addr = bindgen_alloc ~size:(sizeof value) in
+ print_endline ("Addr: " ^ Nativeint.to_string addr);
+ Gc.finalise bindgen_free addr;
+ { lifetime = Ocaml; addr }
+let make_cstr (s: string) : char cptr =
+ let addr = bindgen_alloc_string s in
+ { lifetime = Ocaml; addr }
+type nonrec core
+type nonrec glfwwindow
+external get_global_core : unit -> core cptr = "caml_get_global_core"
+external core_Bringup :
+ optional_window:unit cptr -> unit = "caml_core_Bringup"
+external frame_Begin : unit -> unit = "caml_frame_Begin"
+external frame_Draw : unit -> unit = "caml_frame_Draw"
+external frame_End : unit -> unit = "caml_frame_End"
+type nonrec vec2 = {
+ x: float ;
+ y: float }
+type nonrec vec3 = {
+ x: float ;
+ y: float ;
+ z: float }
+type nonrec vec4 = {
+ x: float ;
+ y: float ;
+ z: float ;
+ w: float }
+external vec3_add : b:vec3 -> a:vec3 -> vec3 = "caml_vec3_add"