path: root/deps/Unity/auto/generate_module.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/Unity/auto/generate_module.rb')
1 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/Unity/auto/generate_module.rb b/deps/Unity/auto/generate_module.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b33c72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/Unity/auto/generate_module.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+# ==========================================
+# Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
+# Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+# [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+# ==========================================
+# This script creates all the files with start code necessary for a new module.
+# A simple module only requires a source file, header file, and test file.
+# Triad modules require a source, header, and test file for each triad type (like model, conductor, and hardware).
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'pathname'
+TEMPLATE_TST ||= '#ifdef %5$s
+#include "unity.h"
+%2$s#include "%1$s.h"
+void setUp(void)
+void tearDown(void)
+void test_%4$s_NeedToImplement(void)
+ TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE("Need to Implement %1$s");
+#endif // %5$s
+TEMPLATE_SRC ||= '%2$s#include "%1$s.h"
+TEMPLATE_INC ||= '#ifndef %3$s_H
+#define %3$s_H
+#endif // %3$s_H
+class UnityModuleGenerator
+ ############################
+ def initialize(options = nil)
+ @options = UnityModuleGenerator.default_options
+ case options
+ when NilClass then @options
+ when String then @options.merge!(UnityModuleGenerator.grab_config(options))
+ when Hash then @options.merge!(options)
+ else raise 'If you specify arguments, it should be a filename or a hash of options'
+ end
+ # Create default file paths if none were provided
+ @options[:path_src] = "#{__dir__}/../src/" if @options[:path_src].nil?
+ @options[:path_inc] = @options[:path_src] if @options[:path_inc].nil?
+ @options[:path_tst] = "#{__dir__}/../test/" if @options[:path_tst].nil?
+ @options[:path_src] += '/' unless @options[:path_src][-1] == 47
+ @options[:path_inc] += '/' unless @options[:path_inc][-1] == 47
+ @options[:path_tst] += '/' unless @options[:path_tst][-1] == 47
+ # Built in patterns
+ @patterns = {
+ 'src' => {
+ '' => { inc: [] }
+ },
+ 'test' => {
+ '' => { inc: [] }
+ },
+ 'dh' => {
+ 'Driver' => { inc: [create_filename('%1$s', 'Hardware.h')] },
+ 'Hardware' => { inc: [] }
+ },
+ 'dih' => {
+ 'Driver' => { inc: [create_filename('%1$s', 'Hardware.h'), create_filename('%1$s', 'Interrupt.h')] },
+ 'Interrupt' => { inc: [create_filename('%1$s', 'Hardware.h')] },
+ 'Hardware' => { inc: [] }
+ },
+ 'mch' => {
+ 'Model' => { inc: [] },
+ 'Conductor' => { inc: [create_filename('%1$s', 'Model.h'), create_filename('%1$s', 'Hardware.h')] },
+ 'Hardware' => { inc: [] }
+ },
+ 'mvp' => {
+ 'Model' => { inc: [] },
+ 'Presenter' => { inc: [create_filename('%1$s', 'Model.h'), create_filename('%1$s', 'View.h')] },
+ 'View' => { inc: [] }
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ ############################
+ def self.default_options
+ {
+ pattern: 'src',
+ includes: {
+ src: [],
+ inc: [],
+ tst: []
+ },
+ update_svn: false,
+ boilerplates: {},
+ test_prefix: 'Test',
+ mock_prefix: 'Mock',
+ test_define: 'TEST'
+ }
+ end
+ ############################
+ def self.grab_config(config_file)
+ options = default_options
+ unless config_file.nil? || config_file.empty?
+ require_relative 'yaml_helper'
+ yaml_guts = YamlHelper.load_file(config_file)
+ options.merge!(yaml_guts[:unity] || yaml_guts[:cmock])
+ raise "No :unity or :cmock section found in #{config_file}" unless options
+ end
+ options
+ end
+ ############################
+ def files_to_operate_on(module_name, pattern = nil)
+ # strip any leading path information from the module name and save for later
+ subfolder = File.dirname(module_name)
+ module_name = File.basename(module_name)
+ # create triad definition
+ prefix = @options[:test_prefix] || 'Test'
+ triad = [{ ext: '.c', path: @options[:path_src], prefix: '', template: TEMPLATE_SRC, inc: :src, boilerplate: @options[:boilerplates][:src] },
+ { ext: '.h', path: @options[:path_inc], prefix: '', template: TEMPLATE_INC, inc: :inc, boilerplate: @options[:boilerplates][:inc] },
+ { ext: '.c', path: @options[:path_tst], prefix: prefix, template: TEMPLATE_TST, inc: :tst, boilerplate: @options[:boilerplates][:tst], test_define: @options[:test_define] }]
+ # prepare the pattern for use
+ pattern = (pattern || @options[:pattern] || 'src').downcase
+ patterns = @patterns[pattern]
+ raise "ERROR: The design pattern '#{pattern}' specified isn't one that I recognize!" if patterns.nil?
+ # single file patterns (currently just 'test') can reject the other parts of the triad
+! { |v| v[:inc] == :tst } if pattern == 'test'
+ # Assemble the path/names of the files we need to work with.
+ files = []
+ triad.each do |cfg|
+ patterns.each_pair do |pattern_file, pattern_traits|
+ submodule_name = create_filename(module_name, pattern_file)
+ filename = cfg[:prefix] + submodule_name + cfg[:ext]
+ files << {
+ path: ("#{cfg[:path]}#{subfolder}") + filename).cleanpath,
+ name: submodule_name,
+ template: cfg[:template],
+ test_define: cfg[:test_define],
+ boilerplate: cfg[:boilerplate],
+ includes: case (cfg[:inc])
+ when :src then (@options[:includes][:src] || []) | (pattern_traits[:inc].map { |f| format(f, module_name) })
+ when :inc then (@options[:includes][:inc] || [])
+ when :tst then (@options[:includes][:tst] || []) | (pattern_traits[:inc].map { |f| format("#{@options[:mock_prefix]}#{f}", module_name) })
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ files
+ end
+ ############################
+ def neutralize_filename(name, start_cap: true)
+ return name if name.empty?
+ name = name.split(/(?:\s+|_|(?=[A-Z][a-z]))|(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])/).map(&:capitalize).join('_')
+ name = name[0].downcase + name[1..] unless start_cap
+ name
+ end
+ ############################
+ def create_filename(part1, part2 = '')
+ name = part2.empty? ? part1 : "#{part1}_#{part2}"
+ case (@options[:naming])
+ when 'bumpy' then neutralize_filename(name, start_cap: false).delete('_')
+ when 'camel' then neutralize_filename(name).delete('_')
+ when 'snake' then neutralize_filename(name).downcase
+ when 'caps' then neutralize_filename(name).upcase
+ else name
+ end
+ end
+ ############################
+ def generate(module_name, pattern = nil)
+ files = files_to_operate_on(module_name, pattern)
+ # Abort if all of the module files already exist
+ all_files_exist = true
+ files.each do |file|
+ all_files_exist = false unless File.exist?(file[:path])
+ end
+ raise "ERROR: File #{files[0][:name]} already exists. Exiting." if all_files_exist
+ # Create Source Modules
+ files.each_with_index do |file, _i|
+ # If this file already exists, don't overwrite it.
+ if File.exist?(file[:path])
+ puts "File #{file[:path]} already exists!"
+ next
+ end
+ # Create the path first if necessary.
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(file[:path]), verbose: false)
+[:path], 'w') do |f|
+ f.write("#{file[:boilerplate]}\n" % [file[:name]]) unless file[:boilerplate].nil?
+ f.write(file[:template] % [file[:name],
+ file[:includes].map { |ff| "#include \"#{ff}\"\n" }.join,
+ file[:name]'-', '_'),
+ file[:name].tr('-', '_'),
+ file[:test_define]])
+ end
+ if @options[:update_svn]
+ `svn add \"#{file[:path]}\"`
+ if $!
+ puts "File #{file[:path]} created and added to source control"
+ else
+ puts "File #{file[:path]} created but FAILED adding to source control!"
+ end
+ else
+ puts "File #{file[:path]} created"
+ end
+ end
+ puts 'Generate Complete'
+ end
+ ############################
+ def destroy(module_name, pattern = nil)
+ files_to_operate_on(module_name, pattern).each do |filespec|
+ file = filespec[:path]
+ if File.exist?(file)
+ if @options[:update_svn]
+ `svn delete \"#{file}\" --force`
+ puts "File #{file} deleted and removed from source control"
+ else
+ FileUtils.remove(file)
+ puts "File #{file} deleted"
+ end
+ else
+ puts "File #{file} does not exist so cannot be removed."
+ end
+ end
+ puts 'Destroy Complete'
+ end
+# Handle As Command Line If Called That Way
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ destroy = false
+ options = {}
+ module_name = nil
+ # Parse the command line parameters.
+ ARGV.each do |arg|
+ case arg
+ when /^-d/ then destroy = true
+ when /^-u/ then options[:update_svn] = true
+ when /^-p"?(\w+)"?/ then options[:pattern] = Regexp.last_match(1)
+ when /^-s"?(.+)"?/ then options[:path_src] = Regexp.last_match(1)
+ when /^-i"?(.+)"?/ then options[:path_inc] = Regexp.last_match(1)
+ when /^-t"?(.+)"?/ then options[:path_tst] = Regexp.last_match(1)
+ when /^-n"?(.+)"?/ then options[:naming] = Regexp.last_match(1)
+ when /^-y"?(.+)"?/ then options = UnityModuleGenerator.grab_config(Regexp.last_match(1))
+ when /^(\w+)/
+ raise "ERROR: You can't have more than one Module name specified!" unless module_name.nil?
+ module_name = arg
+ when /^-(h|-help)/
+ ARGV = [].freeze
+ else
+ raise "ERROR: Unknown option specified '#{arg}'"
+ end
+ end
+ unless ARGV[0]
+ puts ["\nGENERATE MODULE\n-------- ------",
+ "\nUsage: ruby generate_module [options] module_name",
+ " -i\"include\" sets the path to output headers to 'include' (DEFAULT ../src)",
+ " -s\"../src\" sets the path to output source to '../src' (DEFAULT ../src)",
+ " -t\"C:/test\" sets the path to output source to 'C:/test' (DEFAULT ../test)",
+ ' -p"MCH" sets the output pattern to MCH.',
+ ' dh - driver hardware.',
+ ' dih - driver interrupt hardware.',
+ ' mch - model conductor hardware.',
+ ' mvp - model view presenter.',
+ ' src - just a source module, header and test. (DEFAULT)',
+ ' test - just a test file.',
+ ' -d destroy module instead of creating it.',
+ ' -n"camel" sets the file naming convention.',
+ ' bumpy - BumpyCaseFilenames.',
+ ' camel - camelCaseFilenames.',
+ ' snake - snake_case_filenames.',
+ ' -u update subversion too (requires subversion command line)',
+ ' -y"my.yml" selects a different yaml config file for module generation',
+ ''].join("\n")
+ exit
+ end
+ raise 'ERROR: You must have a Module name specified! (use option -h for help)' if module_name.nil?
+ if destroy
+ else
+ end